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                ABOUT US

                Company Profile

                Shanghai Cingular Biotechnology Co., Ltd., founded in October 2010, is located in Shanghai International Medical Zone. It is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and development, production and sales of biomaterial product and implantable medical devices. It is founded by Mr. Jun Yang, a member of the ISO5840 Standard Committee and a PhD. of medicine and bioengineering. The research team consists of many Chinese and American experts. The company now has 2000 square meters of clean area of 10,000 grade and 100,000 grade which meets GMP requirements and is EN ISO 13485: 2016 system certified. Five invention patents (PCT China and International) were granted. The registered capital is around 20 million yuan, and the actual research and development investment is more than 200 million yuan.

                Based on independent innovation, the company focuses on the surgical valve replacement and repair with biomaterial technology, as well as focuses on the cardiovascular disease treatment field such as transcatheter valve, and has become a leading high-tech enterprise in the industry. At present, the approved and marketed products include bovine pericardial heart valve prosthesis and dural biological patch. Many other products are in research and clinical trial phases. Cingular Corporation continuously introduces high-quality products with excellent performance and affordable prices to the market, which will benefit the vast number of patients, improve their quality of life and enhance the value of health economics.

                Honor and Qualification

                Corporate Vision

                  1. Vision:

                    Pursue innovation and strive to be a trusted company that provides the best products, processes and relationships
                  1. Quality policy:

                    Integrity and law-abiding, quality first, the pursuit of excellence

                Development History

                2010, The company was established
                2017, The company obtained the registration certificate of Dural Patch
                2018, The company obtained the production license
                2019, The company obtained the EN ISO13485:2016 system certificate:2019, National Medical Products Administration accepted the application for registration of bovine pericardium artificial heart valve
                2020, The company obtained the registration certificate of bovine pericardium artificial heart valve.  2020,It obtained the certificate of "national high-tech enterprise" .

                Contact Us

                  Web: www.hbwzxj.com
                  Tel: 021-38010195
                  Fax: 021-38010193 
                  post Coad: 201321
                  Address: Building 7, No.3377 Kangxin Highway, Pudong New Area, Shanghai