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                Talent Concept

                Firmly establish the concept of human resources as the first resource, adhering to the purpose of "respecting the value of talent, shaping the quality of talent, and focusing on talent growth", people-oriented, concentric with the direction, to achieve the common development of the company and the staff. We will implement the goal of "strengthening the enterprise with talents", accept all rivers into the sea, attract talents and pool talents, continuously optimize the work system of human resources in China and overseas, and build a team of talents with both ability and political integrity, loyalty and dedication, and pragmatic innovation.
                To build an all-round development environment for talents with "both ability and political integrity, paying equal attention to internal and external affairs, appointing people only based on merit and fair competition". We will create an employment mechanism in which "there is platform for work, opportunities for innovations, space for development, and rewards for contributions."

                Employee Care

                • Salary and talent incentive mechanism

                • Learning opportunities

                • Comfortable working environment

                • Various team building activities

                Recruitment Position

                  You can follow our various vacancies in the job application, apply online or submit your resume:zhangqm@hbwzxj.com