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                New Generation Of Biological Prosthetic Heart Valves

                Pioneer In Bioprosthetic Valve Technology

                Shanghai "Thousand Talents Plan" Enterprise

                Dedicated to the cause of patient health, striving to use new technology to improve public health and life quality

                Patents for prosthetic heart valve inventions are licensed in China, Europe, the United States

                Established in October 2010 by Dr. Jun Yang, a member of the ISO5840 Standard Committee, Cingular is a high-tech medical enterprise dedicated to the research, development, production and sales of high-end medical products for human health. The company has got the ENISO13485:2016 system certification for several years, and has built 2000 square meters of clean area, a combination of 100,000-grade and 10,000-grade, (with 100-grade built in), meets GMP requirements. Has fifteen invention patents (China, and International), the actual research and development spending is over 200 million RMB.
                  1. 2000
                    2000 square meters of clean area
                  1. 15items
                    Invention patents (China, PCT & International)
                  1. 200+million RMB
                    Actual research and development spending

                Overcome Challenges effectively and precisely, Promote Medical Accessibility

                We're committed to making biological heart valves available to more patients

                Providing better health solutions for doctors in treating patients
