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                Test Technique

                ① Pulsatile-flow testing

                The pulsation tester can simulate the hemodynamics of the human heart system and the related factors such as blood viscosity, arterial and ventricular pressure, and arterial flow. Through the software, the pulsation tester can receive and send signals between the control box and the control box, so that data can be recorded/studied, drive waveforms can be adjusted, temperature control, displacement, flow and pressure control can be realized, etc.

                ② Steady flow testing technique 

                Test basis: ISO 5840-2:2015 
                Steady-state forward flow: Transvalvular pressure differences on the inflow and outflow sides of the valve were measured at 5 L/ minute intervals at a flow rate of 5 L/ minute to 30 L/minute. 
                Steady state leakage: Valve leakage was measured at 5 isobaric nodes at a backpressure of 5.2 kPa–26 kPa (40 mmHg–200 mmHg).

                ③ Computational fluid dynamics

                Determination of flow characteristics near a valve using particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics methods.

                ④ Fatigue testing

                A fatigue tester is used to test the durability of a valve. Each valve was individually adjustable and a one-to-one motor drive was used to avoid interference between the test valves.